Segmentation and Targeting in Automation


In today's digital world, email marketing has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows for direct communication with potential customers and can significantly impact a company's growth. However, simply sending out mass emails to a general audience is no longer effective. This is where segmentation and targeting in automation come into play. By utilizing these strategies, businesses can significantly improve their email marketing campaigns and achieve their desired goals.

Segmentation in Email Marketing

Segmentation involves dividing a large audience into smaller groups based on similar characteristics. These groups can include factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and past interactions with the company. By segmenting a mailing list, businesses can create more targeted and personalized messages for their audience.

Benefits of Segmentation

Segmentation allows businesses to tailor their messages specifically to each group, resulting in higher engagement rates and conversions. It also helps in optimizing the email content and increasing open and click-through rates. By understanding their audience's preferences and interests, businesses can send content that is more likely to resonate with subscribers.

“To get your emails opened, focus on the good, clean old fashioned words you use that make a difference between an email getting opened or getting trashed.” - Ann Handley

Targeting in Email Automation

Email automation involves setting up automated emails that trigger based on a subscriber's actions or behavior. When combined with segmentation, targeting allows for creating highly personalized and relevant messages that resonate with subscribers.

Tools for Segmentation and Targeting

There are several tools available that make it easier for businesses to segment their mailing lists and set up automated emails. One popular tool is Mailchimp, which offers customizable segmentation options and easy-to-use automation features. Zapier is another handy tool that can be used to integrate different applications and automate workflows.

Benefits of Targeting in Email Automation

Automating emails based on specific actions or behaviors can save businesses time and effort while ensuring timely and relevant communication with subscribers. This can also help in nurturing leads and moving them through the sales funnel.

Using Segmentation and Targeting in Automation for Sam's Freelance Writing Business

Let's say Sam is a freelance writer who offers content creation services for various businesses. To promote his services, Sam has created a mailing list of potential clients who have shown interest in his work. Rather than sending out the same generic email to his entire list, Sam can utilize segmentation to divide his subscribers into different groups based on their business type or content needs.

For example, Sam could send targeted emails to subscribers in the travel industry, showcasing his expertise in writing travel-related articles. He could also send a different email to subscribers in the fashion industry, highlighting his knowledge and experience in creating fashion-related content.

To further improve his email marketing efforts, Sam could also set up automated emails to trigger when a subscriber clicks on a link to view his portfolio. This automated email could provide more information about Sam's writing services and include a call-to-action to schedule a call with him. By utilizing segmentation and targeting in automation, Sam can improve his chances of converting potential clients into paying customers.


Q: Can segmentation and targeting be used for non-email marketing purposes?
A: Yes, these strategies can also be utilized for social media campaigns, online advertisements, and other marketing efforts.

Q: Is it worth the time and effort to segment and target a small mailing list?
A: Absolutely. Even with a smaller audience, segmentation and targeting can significantly improve email engagement and conversions.


To sum it up, segmentation and targeting are crucial elements for successful email marketing campaigns. By utilizing these strategies, businesses can ensure that their messages are reaching the right audience with the right content at the right time. For Sam's freelance writing business, implementing segmentation and targeting in automation can result in more personalized and relevant communication with potential clients, ultimately leading to business growth and success.