Email Automation and Behavioral Targeting

Welcome to the world of email marketing! By now, you've probably heard that email is a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage with their audience. But did you know that there are advanced techniques such as email automation and behavioral targeting that can take your email campaigns to the next level?

In this blog post, we'll dive into the basics of email automation and behavioral targeting, explaining what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to skyrocket your email campaigns. We'll also provide tips on how to get started and what to keep in mind when implementing these techniques.

What is Email Automation?

In a nutshell, email automation is the use of technology to send emails to subscribers automatically, based on certain triggers or actions they take. This can include triggered emails, drips campaigns, and autoresponders.

For example, Sam signs up for your newsletter and receives a welcome email automatically. A few days later, Sam makes a purchase and receives a thank you email. This is all done without you having to manually send each email, saving you time and effort.

How Does Email Automation Work?

The key to successful email automation is having a comprehensive understanding of your audience and creating targeted email workflows that cater to their specific needs and behaviors.

This involves setting up triggers and criteria that will determine when an email will be sent. Triggers can include actions such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart. Criteria can include demographics, interests, and past interactions with your emails.

Using this information, you can set up a series of emails that will be sent automatically to subscribers when they meet specific triggers and criteria. This ensures that your subscribers receive timely and relevant content, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.

Why Use Email Automation?

Email automation allows you to send personalized and targeted emails at scale, without having to manually send each one. This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures consistency in your email campaigns.

Additionally, email automation can help increase your open and click-through rates, as well as boost conversions. According to Mailchimp, automated emails have a 119% higher click rate than broadcast emails.

Moreover, it allows you to engage with your subscribers at different stages of your customer journey, nurturing them towards conversions. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention.

What is Behavioral Targeting?

Behavioral targeting is the process of collecting and analyzing user behavior data to create personalized messages and experiences for your audience. This can include browsing history, purchase behavior, and email interactions.

By using this data, you can segment your audience and create more targeted and relevant email campaigns. This can lead to increased engagement and conversions as your audience is receiving content that directly caters to their interests and behaviors.

How to Use Behavioral Targeting with Email Automation?

When combined, email automation and behavioral targeting can be a powerful tool to boost your email campaigns' effectiveness. By using data from your subscribers' behavior, you can create targeted workflows that cater to their specific interests and needs.

For example, Sam has been browsing your website but hasn't made a purchase yet. You can use this data to send Sam a triggered email with a discount code to encourage them to make a purchase. Or, if Sam has previously made a purchase, you can send them personalized product recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history. The possibilities are endless.

Getting Started with Email Automation and Behavioral Targeting

To get started with email automation and behavioral targeting, you'll need an email marketing platform with these features. Popular options include Mailchimp, GetResponse, and ActiveCampaign. These platforms offer advanced automation and segmentation capabilities.

Additionally, you'll need to collect and analyze data on your audience's behavior. This can be done through web analytics tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar. It's important to regularly review and update your data to ensure your targeting and automation remains effective.


Email automation and behavioral targeting are powerful techniques that can take your email campaigns to the next level. By understanding your audience and their behavior, you can create targeted and personalized email workflows that will increase engagement and conversions.

So what are you waiting for? Start implementing email automation and behavioral targeting in your email campaigns today for a more effective and efficient email marketing strategy!


  1. Do I need a large audience to benefit from email automation and behavioral targeting?

    No, even with a small audience, you can still benefit from using email automation and behavioral targeting. These techniques focus on delivering personalized and relevant content, rather than a large number of recipients.

  2. Is it necessary to have technical knowledge to use email automation and behavioral targeting?

    While some understanding of email marketing and data analysis can be helpful, most email marketing platforms offer templates and easy-to-use features that make it accessible for beginners as well.

  3. How often should I review and update my data?

    We recommend regularly reviewing and updating your data, ideally on a quarterly basis. This will help ensure your targeting and automation remains effective and relevant.

"Email has an ability many channels don't: creating valuable, personal touches - at scale."

- David Newman

We hope you enjoyed this article on email automation and behavioral targeting. Now go out there and create successful email campaigns that connect with your audience!